In this video from StockCharts TV, Julius explores the October seasonal outlook for the S&P 500 and various sectors. Seasonality suggests a potential rise...
James A. Dorn In her recent article in Business Insider, Linette Lopez, a graduate of the School of Journalism at Columbia University, argues that China’s...
Scott Lincicome Today we’ve published three new essays for Cato’s Defending Globalization project: “The Trade Balance and Winning at Trade,” by Andreas Freytag and...
Kayla Susalla During the October 1 vice-presidential debate, when asked about holding parents accountable for mass shootings in schools, Sen. JD Vance (R‑OH) responded,...
Jeffrey Miron A common critique of marijuana legalization asserts that marijuana use causes mental illness. Numerous studies document a correlation between use and conditions such...
Romina Boccia Congress will soon consider the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), which would unfairly increase benefits...